Park Commissioner, President
Elected April 2019 (6-year term)
Park Commissioner, Vice President
Elected May 2021 (4-year unexpired term)

Park Commissioner
Elected May 2023 (6-year term)
Park Commissioner, Assistant Secretary
Elected May 2023 (appointed until next general election)
Park Commissioner, Treasurer
Elected May 2023 (appointed until next general election)
Board of Commissioners
The Park District is governed by a Board of Park Commissioners composed of five elected members serving six-year terms. Park Commissioners act as such without compensation and a majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for each Board meeting and for the transaction of business. The President of the Board is elected from among its members for a two year term. The Secretary and Treasurer of the District are appointed by the Board. The Park District employs a full-time Executive Director of Parks and Recreation and other Department Heads for the administration, programming and maintenance of park facilities. The district also has membership and participates in the activities of State and National Professional Park Organizations.
West Chicago Board of Park Commissioners Policy
Public Participation Policyโโโ
The Commissioners and Staff of the West Chicago Park District invite you, your family and your friends to join in our programs and enjoy our parks and facilities throughout West Chicago. The West Chicago Park District has been serving the community for over 50 years. The Park District strives to maintain a balanced mix of programs and facilities to provide quality recreation for all ages. Leisure activities, and the positive use of leisure time make us all happier and enriches our lives, no matter how old or young we are. Whether you walk in the park, participate in a sport or enjoy a community special event, we hope you will benefit from the experience. We at the West Chicago Park District work hard to provide something for everyone. If we have not included your favorite activity, or you are interested in sharing your recreational skills with others, please let us know. We are here to serve your needs.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners
The Board of Park Commissioners of the West Chicago Park District holds their regular monthly meeting every first and/or second Tuesday of the month at the ARC Center (unless noted otherwise), 201 W. National Street, West Chicago, IL beginning at 6:00 p.m. (unless noted otherwise) This meeting is open to the public and includes Public Participation on the Agenda.
Check below for the current meeting schedule.
Committee of the Whole Meetings
The Committee of the Whole will meet at the ARC Center, 201 W. National Street, West Chicago, IL beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the dates listed below.
This meeting is open to the public and includes Public Participation on the Agenda.
2025 Regular and Special Meetings
2025 Committee of the Whole Meetings
*Special Meeting
2024 Regular and Special Meetings
2024 Committee of the Whole Meetings
*Special Meeting
In accordance with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, the West Chicago Park District ("Park District") has made a determination of the prevailing rates of wages to be paid to laborers, mechanics and other workers employed in public works projects for the Park District. The Park District has determined that the prevailing rates of wages are the wage rates for DuPage County, as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor. You may view the prevailing
wage rates here:
Public Notice