The West Chicago Park District's childcare programs help children develop social skills, build self-confidence, and learn to work cooperatively with others. The programs offer a range of activities at the ARC Center, including art projects, games, playtime, and educational programs to keep children engaged and learning.
Questions regarding our childcare programs can be directed to Pam Schiavoni, Recreation Supervisor, at
630-231-9474 or pschiavoni@we-goparks.org.
ARC Fitness Childcare
Children are supervised by staff in a fun environment at Treetop Escape in the ARC Center. This is the perfect way for parents to workout, catch up on some work or relax in our facility! No fitness membership is required. Free with Elite Membership.
Parents must remain on site while their children attend childcare.
Designed for ages 3 months to 11 years.
All infants (3 months to 1 year) require advance reservations. Call the front desk at 630-231-9474 up to one week prior to reserve a spot. Only 2 infants are available per timeslot.
Maximum time per day is 2 hours.
1:10 staff-to-participant ratio.
For safety, service may be delayed or denied if maximum capacity has been reached.
All children of elite members are required to obtain a childcare membership card. Card can be obtained at the front desk during regular business hours. These will be used to scan your children in during normal ARC Childcare hours at Treetop Escape. Please note children will not be able to attend until all balances are paid in full.
Parents are responsible for diapering their children/changing accidents.
Food is prohibited in childcare.
If your child is upset, staff will try to calm them for 15 minutes and then call the parent.
Sick children are not permitted to attend childcare, please join us again when your child is well.
Before & After School
The Before and After School Program strives to encourage children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade to laugh, learn, make friends, and be active everyday! We strive to provide peace of mind for parents, and an experience that kids won't forget.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open.
D303 Information to know:
D303 Before & After School Programs are held at Norton Creek Elementary School.
Registration is required by the 20th of the month prior to each desired month of care. Participants may choose flexible scheduling for either the Before or After School programs.
Registration is available year-round as space permits.
The program will follow the District 303 school calendar. Fees are based on the current schedule and are subject to change.
Registration fees can be paid online or in-person at the ARC Center.
Scholarship rates are available for qualifying families. Click here for more information on scholarships.
D33 Information to know:
D33 Before and After Care is held at the ARC Center, 201 W. National St.
The D33 Before & After School Program is available for all District 33 schools.
Before school registration is required by the 20th of the month prior to each desired month of care. Participants may choose flexible scheduling for before school care only.
D33 After School participants must register for Monday through Friday and will register for the entire school year. Per school district bussing policy students must ride the bus from their home school to the ARC Center every day.
Bussing is provided by District 33. All children registering for the D33 Before or After School Program must let the school secretary know their bussing arrangements to or from the ARC after they are registered for the program. Bussing may not go into effect until it is confirmed by the school and can take up to 1 week to confirm. If your student does not qualify for District 33 bus services please contact Pam Schiavoni, Recreation Supervisor, at pschiavoni@we-goparks.org to determine eligibility per D33 bussing requirements.
Registration is available year-round as space permits.
The program will follow the District 33 school calendar. Fees are based on the current schedule and are subject to change.
Registration fees can be paid online or in-person at the ARC Center.
Scholarship rates are available for qualifying families. Click here for more information on scholarships.
Emergency contact/medical information must be completed through ePact, our secure emergency network. You will receive an email invitation after registering for the before/after care program
Days Off Club
Days Off School Club offers special events and theme days including sports, arts and crafts, group games, and more to students in Kindergarten to 8th grade in all school districts! Days Off Club offers care from 9am-4pm, as well as Extended Care from 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm. All registrations are based on program space, staffing, and enrollment. Children will be responsible for bringing a sack lunch, drink, and afternoon snack daily. The program is held at ARC Center.
All 2025 Dates Available Now!