The West Chicago Park District has opportunities available to memorialize your loved ones by purchasing a bench to be placed in the District's park system.
Memorial benches are another way to memorialize a loved one and also enhance the aesthetics of the District's park system. Memorial benches must be purchased through the District and can be done so at any time throughout the year. Weather permitting, the installation of the benches can only be completed from April - October and will be completed at the earliest possible date from the District's receipt of the bench. After installation, the purchaser will be notified of the exact location of the bench so that everyone wishing to remember their loved ones can visit it. The District offers a choice of a 6-foot bench for $2,100.00 or an 8-foot bench for $2,500.00 Benches include a 10.5" x 3" plaque (up to 4 lines, 28 Character Max PerLine, including spaces.) The Parks Superintendent or designee must approve memorial messages.
The West Chicago Park District cannot accept memorial benches purchased outside of the framework listed above. The Parks Recreation Department makes the final determination as to where memorial benches are placed within the park system. The West Chicago Park District is not responsible for damage to the memorial donation as a result of weather or vandalism. The memorial benches have a 5-year warranty on product defects only, deemed as such solely by the manufacturer.
1. Login and/or make an account on our registration website here.
2. Visit this page and add the memorial bench option to your cart.
3. Check out and complete online payment.
A staff member will be in touch once registration is processed. For any questions, please call 630-231-9474.
General Park Rules